Sunday, May 9, 2010

Addiction Issues

Let's say you've met the perfect guy for you, and things have been going great. But since you've been getting to know more about him, you discover that he has an addiction. Maybe it's cigarettes, alright you can handle that it isn't that big of a deal; but maybe it is something a little more serious than that, and I don't mean weed. What if this guy has a full blown addiction to heroin?

Now this is a great guy, he makes you happy and you enjoy spending time with him, so what are you supposed to do when you find out that he has a serious drug problem?

You can't ignore the problem and pretend it isn't there, it is something that will negatively effect your relationship. The addiction could take over and ruin the relationship you are building, so what you need to do is confront him about it. Talk it over, discuss rehab possibilities and get some help for him. If it is something he is ashamed of he probably wants to stop, he just doesn't know how. The best thing you can do is be there for him, and help him through it by being there for him during the detox process.

Not every relationship can conquer a battle with drugs, but they can survive. You need to be able to handle the situation, and if you can't then you need to think about yourself and your emotional well being. Being there for the guy you like through his struggles can take a toll on your own personal health, so don't forget that you may need a break from the relationship. I've been there, and there is only so much you can do, but don't let the addiction take over your life as well. His health is important but your emotional health needs to be taken care of as well.

Even though he may be the perfect guy, a serious addiction can change how the relationship works. Be supportive, and understanding, but don't forget about yourself in the process.

Photo taken from:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

First Date Do's And Don'ts

First date's have unwritten rules, well they're being written now.

-Be charming
-Be polite
-Be witty
-Be yourself
-Eat slowly
-Laugh at jokes

-Pick your nose
-Chew with your mouth open
-Dominate the conversation
-Try too hard
-Pick at how your date looks
-Pick at food between your teeth
-Bite your nails
-Flirt with the waiter/waitress
-Text someone else
-Have loud phone conversations
-Swear profusely
-Sneeze into your food
-Talk during a movie
-Don't interrupt
-Don't cheap out on the bill

Seems pretty simple, but we've all had horrible dates with someone. Sometimes it seems as though they aren't trying to impress you, and if any of those things occur on a first date that are on the "don't" list then I guarantee you won't get to date number two.

Photo taken from:

Monday, May 3, 2010

Things That Aren't Attractive To Women

There are certain styles, if that's what you can call them, that many guys have picked up lately. But let's be serious here the way you dress has a huge impact on whether a girl will date you or not, and you also look ridiculous.

Pull Up Your Pants
Really, no more Kevin Federline, he was famous for all of five seconds because he married and then knocked up the train wreck that is Britney Spears. So why do guys still dress like this douche-bag? Pants should cover your ass, there is no excuse for your boxers to be the only thing separating your hairy butt cheeks from society. Even worse are the guys that wear a belt with their pants that are dangling below the ass, most girls will not give you the time of day if you can't even remember to pull up those pants.

Bend The Rim
A baseball cap is meant to block the sun from your eyes, this is not very useful if the brim of your hat is flat. I'm not sure when this look started to become popular, but it is ridiculous. Your hat should not be sideways on your head nor should it have a flattened brim. What's worse than this is when the sticker is still on the brim (does that mean you might return it?) and when the brim is tilted up (you look like an idiot). This look does nothing for you unless you are looking for a girl that is really into that sort of thing, perhaps her name would be Shaniqua.

Fake Tans & Spiked Hair
After The Jersey Shore, I feel that these two go hand in hand. Normal girls, aka those that do not go by the name of Snooki, do not want to date a guy with an oompa loompa skin color. The spiked hair went out with boy bands, the over gelled style should not be worn anymore. If I tried to touch your hair my hand would probably bounce away from how much product is in it. Just because some idiots that appeared on MTV dressed like this does not mean that everyone else in the world wants to date you, do not model yourself off of anyone from the cast of The Jersey Shore unless it's to make fun of them.

There are many faux pas out there, but these are three that seem to be most prevalent to guys today. They will not attract a woman, in fact it will probably drive them away if they see these things.

Photo taken from: