Monday, April 12, 2010

Meeting the Parents

So you've been dating someone for awhile now, depending on how old you are this could be a few months, weeks, or longer. But sooner or later you have to meet your boyfriend/girlfriend's parents. This is the dreaded process of awkward hello's, and just a general feeling of uncomfortableness. You are suddenly just as nervous as you were for the first date, but now you are being sized up and judged by these people who are more than likely rather intimidating.
This process is nerve racking, you might sweat profusely, talk faster than normal, bounce your leg while you sit, or maybe you get shy and just freeze up. Relax. Although this experience is scary for almost everyone you need to try to keep calm and maintain a cool composure. First impressions stick with parents and if you are dating their son or daughter you need to show them that you are the person that can make their child happy. Just use your manners and be polite, throw in a sir or miss, never call them by their first name unless they've said that it is okay to do so. You don't want to be too informal the first time you meet them.

Don't shake hands like this

Before you meet them think of things to talk about, perhaps mention the nice decor of the house, or how you hear that they love to go hiking. Having something to talk about not only breaks the ice but shows that you took interest in them and therefore listened to what their son or daughter had to say about them.
Don't get all tense when meeting the parents for the first time, because each time you see them after will only get easier and easier. So inhale slowly, pop an Altoid into your mouth, and put on some extra deodorant.

Photo taken from:

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