Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Too Much Information

A little goes a long way. When you are looking for someone to date, you don't want to scare them away with your whole life story. Most people get nervous and will just start rambling on and on about things that their date does not want to hear. How do you avoid this?

1. Don't reveal anything about an ex unless it was asked by your date. This person does not want the information on how that relationship went during each month you dated your ex. Just give a brief summary of the relationship like, "It was okay but it just didn't work out, we had different ideas of what we wanted."

2. Don't continuously talk about yourself on a date, it's rude and shows that you are self absorbed. You need to show an interest in the person you are with, so ask them questions about what they like to do, don't drag on about how when you were 5 you used to ice skate.

3. Don't give a detailed list of what happened to you that very day. No one wants to know what sandwich you ate for lunch, or what time you left home for a doctor's appointment. Just give a summation like, "I had an appointment and went out to lunch after. How was your day?"

When dating someone for the first time it is important to keep in mind that the person you are with is interested in you and does want to learn more about you. But you have to be sure not to give away too much information because then that person will lose interest in you. Keep things short and sweet unless more information is asked for.

Picture taken from: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhnjNkLySk_w7Cn4ypiIJ0-x2xQXjFdhWWDmDNif78CmetY2kpJ_JReHGeZzwQKigLJA5CXmJhSQd4b5Gk1LDzXzUhav6UxDo19biECD5OCwOpLYALIQh608EhjDfJMAkIeyz7jDInTOYB5/s320/too+much+information.gif

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