Thursday, April 15, 2010

An Open Letter To My Crazy Ex

I am tired of you calling my house trying to reach me, I have caller-id do you really think I'll pick up? You have "bumped" into me at my own work, where you know I can't escape your gaze, you have just happened to take a walk down my street when you knew I was home.

You have sent me long text messages asking to get back with you, to forgive you, to let everything go back to the way it was. Did you not understand that I don't want to be with a cheater and a liar?
You have lost all of my trust, you have tried to sabotage any attempt I have made at meeting someone new, you are bat-shit crazy.

Do you not get that once we stopped talking two years ago that we were never going to start talking again? I do not want to revisit the "romance" we once had, the times when you burped in my face, and had your mom drive us because you forgot to pay your car insurance.

No I do not want to see you when I'm working. No I do not want to read long e-mails and texts saying how you made a mistake by sleeping around and treating me so badly. No I do not want to take a walk with you to remember the good days. No I do not want to receive messages saying how you think I'm beautiful because you're getting to be border line creepy.

I gave up on our relationship over two years ago, but you can't get it through your head. I have moved on and so should you. I've changed my number and e-mail address, and won't answer you no matter what. I memorized your numbers so I never have to pick up another call from you.

Please grow up and get a life that does not revolve around me.

Your Pissed Off Ex-Girlfriend

Picture taken from:

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